“Most people who met him considered him a charming personality with a slightly irresponsible side, in the eyes of others he was a coward who was unconcerned about what others thought of him, he was a bit of a bohemian drifter and over time became a local profile in Lindesberg, where he walked around with his pipe, backpack and cape often without shoes on his feet.”
Alongside his art, he used to sing to his own lute playing. In his youth, he toured the country with his brothers and gave concerts. The Klingberg brothers were good quartet singers and played various instruments.
Jette's art consists of portraits, figures and landscape paintings, often with romantic mists and dark moonlight."
"My Father reminisced how as a child, he would carry David's paints.
Years later, in Connecticut, these paintings arrived to great fanfare, were framed and graced the living room. When I traveled to Sweden with my Mother in 1980 we visited relatives and his paintings were also prominently displayed in their homes."
Rik Carlson