VT CFIDS Assoc. Inc.

     Rik I have thought of you often lately as I have discovered many things that
could potentially help people with CFIDS. I think I told you that I was
found to have REALLY high black toxic mold levels. Out of that treatment
and the realtionship that developed with a ND out here I have learned a lot
about neurotoxins.
     She told me to read a book called Mold Warriors by Dr Richie Shoemaker out
of MD. (He has written many books.) It was mind blowing and very
informative. I then checked out his web site:

and did the preliminary online test. I tested positive,(no surprise) as did my
sister. I learned that about 25% of people are genetically at risk for
neurotoxins and if they have one exposure to a neurotoxin they can easily
relapse with another. I am currently being tested for lyme disease. He
also discusses weight gain and toxins. My health has gone dramatically
downhill since being in MT and we are looking for causes.
     Do not want to overwhelm you but your really should check it out. I know he
talks about CFIDS and FM and toxins. Let me know if you want more
information. I will pass on things I find out that might help you or
someone else.

I hope all is well.